"I really like the choices you've made here. Great, great list! Seems like I've got some more foreign movies to watch."
"1. The Empire Strikes Back 2. Citizen Kane 3. The Shawshank Redemption 4. Seven Samurai 5. Casablanca 6. 2001: A Space Odyssey 7. 12 Angry Men 8. Psycho (gotta have at least one Hitchcock on there) 9."
"Great list. Some of these were praised to the skies and they are really just average. I agree that How to Train Your Dragon was filled with cliches and probably only a little better than average, but "
"Heh, your anime tastes are eerily similar to my own. +1 for Twelve Kingdoms, Fumoffu, SZS, and many others. Seems like I need to add Mobile Police Patlabor and Noir to my torrent list."
"Fantastic list! You have a few movies on here I haven't heard of before, so I'll be sure to watch them :) Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought Spirited Away was a little overrated (just a lit"